Poughkeepsie Underground: your one stop blog for fun, inexpensive things to do in Poughkeepsie!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Apple Pie Bakery

Throughout the four years that I've spent here at Marist, I've noticed that there is an unspoken, subtle (yet still there) confrontation between the CIA and Marist. We don't usually go out to the same bars, and when we do, there is no discussion among different schools. Not to say that there's a huge difference in our school's, we ARE right down the road from one another. But because of this unconscious conflict, many Marist students don't venture over the the CIA for anything other than nice dinners with their parents. I, however, heard about the bakery that's inside the Culinary: The Apple Pie Bakery.

The bakery, located right inside the main entrance to the Culinary is completely student run: they work there and they help prepare the food that is served. The students who do work there are super nice and really helpful, which always makes for a pleasant dining experience. The bakery is usually kind of crowded but both times that I went there proved to be worth the wait. Another added benefit: while you wait in line for your food, they feed you hand made chocolate (DELICIOUS!). 

The bakery offers full-fledged meals, such as sandwiches and soup, and--of course--desserts. I've experienced both ends of the spectrum and haven't been disappointed. The sandwich that I had, turkey with the fixings, was awesome. It was on student made bread which was amazing all in itself. However, as good as lunch was, dessert is better. I've tried their cookies and, my personal favorite, a mousse "bomb". The mousse was maybe some of the best that I have literally ever had. 

The grounds are beautiful if you ever feel like taking your food outside, which I have done. Or you can choose to eat it in the actual bakery. The prices might be a little high for everyday visits by college students but when you do go, it's well worth it. If parents come up, this is also a great, different place, to have lunch or grab a bit of something sweet. Check it out if you're ever in the mood for a great lunch or a treat.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Akari Sushi

So I don't know about everyone else, but there are those days where I could just really go for some sushi. This always bring on the question: where? For those of you who eat sushi, you know that there are good and bad places to get it. A bad sushi place, in my mind, is determined by the quality of sushi you get but also the price...there are a lot of sushi places that will try to overcharge you for sushi. Akari wins twice in my book: awesome sushi and great prices.

The restaurant, located in the complex of the Poughkeepsie Train Station, is never over crowded so you are always seated right away. No one really likes waiting for a table so this is an instant plus. Once seated, the service is great and the staff is super friendly. Personally, I have only ordered sushi while here but according to people I've gone with, the other food is amazing too. The selection is great which makes for a great dining experience as well.

If I was to recommend any of the sushi entrees, I would have to say that my favorites include: spicy crab roll, shrimp tempura, the snow mountain roll, the green dragon, and the spicy tuna. However, I have tried a bunch of things and everything I've had is amazing. There are other, more known, places to get sushi in the area but if you really want the BEST sushi, Akari is the place to go! 

The Inside Scoop

Although the title of this post might give off an air of mystery, the place I'm telling you about today is actually called The Inside Scoop. In my four years at Marist College, I never drove up Violet Ave past Stop and Shop. Sure, I've driven that far on Rt. 9 but the back roads have a ton of smaller places that are definitely worth checking out. The Inside Scoop is one of them!

The Inside Scoop is a little place that serves food but--more importantly--ice cream! They advertise their homemade ice cream which is what automatically caught MY attention! So on one of those super hot days this last week, I made my way over there and I was not disappointed, at all. As I looked at the menu of food choices, they had everything from burgers to nachos, most of it for less than $7. The real deal is the ice cream though.

I like to think that I am a self-diagnosed expert of ice cream and this was a great addition to my list of fantastic ice cream. The ice cream was thick and the flavor was delicious...some of the best chocolate ice cream that I've ever had. An additional benefit? There's plenty of seating inside but they also have seating outside, where I love to eat my ice cream. There are chairs, playgrounds for kids, and picnic benches. If you haven't gotten over there yet, get on Violet Ave and just drive towards Stop and Shop and you'll see it on your right!