Poughkeepsie Underground: your one stop blog for fun, inexpensive things to do in Poughkeepsie!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Soul Dog-The Fancy Hot Dog

One of my favorite things about the winter coming to an and and summer coming around is the food that becomes more acceptable to eat. Let's be serious, no one thinks of summer without thinking of hot dogs. On the 4th of July alone, millions of hot dogs are consumed by the US population. I, myself, look forward to those delicious, grill-cooked hot dogs as much as the next person. However, there are times when the generic hot dog with ketchup on a bun just doesn't cut it. For those of you who know what I'm talking about, Soul Dog is the place you need to go to.

Located on Main Street, Poughkeepsie, Soul Dog Cafe offers customers specialty hot dogs for awesome prices. The cafe has a great atmosphere with great decor and crayons and board games laying around to play with as you have a hot dog. Even as a college senior, I can appreciate when I see Connect Four on a table, who didn't love playing those games as a kid? The menus are scattered around as well so you can take your time decided which hot dog suits your mood that day. The options are seemingly endless!

As you look at the menu, you can choose which type of hot dog you would like: beef, chicken, vegetarian and Italian sausage are all possible options. You then get to pick the toppings you want to have...the first two toppings are only 50 cents with the third being free. Some of the multiple options you can have are: chili, sour cream, bacon, baked beans, cheese, cole slaw, and more. I personally, gave the chili cheese hot dog and the baked bean hot dog a whirl when I went there for this post and both were amazing!

The cafe also offers different food choices if hot dogs aren't your thing. They also serve beer and wine for those who feel like making the hot dog a bit more classy. The prices, as I mentioned, are great. With the hot dogs costing you no more than $5 for what you get (that's including toppings). And for those who may have food allergies, all of the food at soul dog is gluten free. If you haven't popped into Soul Dog yet, I highly suggest getting over there to taste a bite of summer!

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